How to exclude model from Quick Look?

In this example, I only want to export the ContentParent gameobject in Apple Quick Look, which I have hooked up on the USDZExporter component, however the separate FakeShadowPlane gameobject gets exported in Apple Quick Look on iOS - is this a bug?

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

This is the problematic shadow plane also, in exports it doesn’t have the alpha channel working in Quick Look

by user 103054507105067008

by user 103054507105067008

  1. USD doesn’t have as much control over transparency as glTF I’m afraid. That being said, I’ve reported a similar bug to Apple like 2 years ago and they haven’t fixed it yet.

  2. Children will be exported, that’s by design. You can either move the object out of the USDZ export root, or add XRFlags without AR selected (but then it’s also hidden in WebXR)

  3. Another option is to react to the callbacks sent by the USDZExporter, you can hook into that to do arbitrary changes right before export

Does the XR Flag component work for excluding from Quick Look?

by user 103054507105067008

Seems it does! Nice :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 103054507105067008

Yes it does! There’s just no way to distinguish between “WebXR AR” and “QuickLook AR” right now which sometimes is annoying

Would be useful to find a way to but I understand it’s tricky!

by user 103054507105067008

Just in case it would be stopping anybody:
You can make a script that could fetch all instances of XRFlags and based on isiOS() it could adjust them.

I might just do that instead, like a little helper script for it :smile:

by user 103054507105067008

That’s kind of what I meant with (3) above, there’s a callback in USDZExporter before the USDZ is generated :slightly_smiling_face: