How Set RuntimeAnimatorController at runtime?
Still thinking…
Hi, we don’t support Unity’s RuntimeAnimatorController - do you mean the regular AnimatorController?
The AnimatorController class has a static helper method to create an instance from a list of animation clips
It will by default just blend between the provided clips - perhaps this is already sufficient for your usecase? What do you want to build?
I want to load my GLTF character 1 2 3 4 at runtime and use RuntimeAnimatorController to play animations. Since including all animations in my character file makes it too large and slow to load, I want to optimize the loading time by separating the animations from the main character file and loading them independently at runtime.
Interesting, how many animations are you handling and how large is your build becoming?
You can use the regular AnimatorController for that in needle engine.
We’ve had another case before with hundreds of animations where the problem was solved by putting additional animations in extra prefabs and loading them on demand if I remember correctly.
Hi! Can help me how to use share skeleton between skinnedmeshes in threejs with Needle engine?
const skeleton = originalSkinnedMesh.skeleton;
newSkinnedMesh.skeleton = skeleton;
Hi, what do you mean by that? What’s called “SkinnedMeshes” in Unity are three.js “SkinnedMeshes” in Needle Engine, so binding and other operations work as documented for three.js. Please refer to the three.js docs for custom skeleton binding.