Help to work DragControls

what do you recommend to do?

by user 1101049107931480066

by user 1101049107931480066

everything right?

by user 1101049107931480066

Hey @prokharkulak cam you explain what the remaining issues are?

If you press play, you can drag objects around, right?

last 10 seconds show that he made it working :+1:

But it doesn’t pan left-to-right as he would have hoped.

My recommendation is here: Discord

The reality is that the DragControls aren’t exactly a fit for you as far as i understand the situation. A custom solution would be better.

Yes, exactly. If you want to adjust how dragging things around (e.g. specific constraints, your specific logic, …) then you can copy the DragControls script and adjust it as you see fit under a new name, or make your own.

We’re aware of some of its limitations and will improve it in the future (e.g. specify if screenspace drag, plane drag, or a mix as right now is intended), but if you want full control over every detail the advantage with Needle Engine is that you can modify things as you need, you’re not stuck with our decisions on how things work.

can I write in JS ES6, not in TypeScript?

by user 1101049107931480066

Trouble nodeJS?

by user 1101049107931480066

Feel free. We recommend TypeScript for the extra type safety and autocomplete etc

This is not enough info to help you. Are there more messages? Did it work before? What did you change?


by user 1101049107931480066

I rebuilt the project and it worked :smile:

by user 1101049107931480066

Cool. Glad that you got it to work.

Feel free to open new threads if you have more questions. Please don’t ping people directly again ;).

Removed Flora :cactus: from the group.

Removed krempel from the group.

Can you help more? And what do I need to change in DragControls to work only with the X and Y axes

by user 1101049107931480066