When building a VR scene I have just added a WebXR component to enable VR which spawns a VR avatar of sorts that has pointers which can grab objects from afar - is there a way to add just grabbable logic for the controllers to grab things they are near to within a radius like a direct grabbable interactor from Unity for example?
I couldn’t see any documentation on this behaviour below https://engine.needle.tools/docs/xr.html#html-content-overlays-in-ar
Hi, you can subscribe to the WebXRController ControllerEvents.SelectStart event at the moment - the second argument contains an object with the object to be grabbed ({ grab: object }) - this is invoked before the object is attached and you can modify or set grab to null to prevent it
WebXRController.addEventListener(ControllerEents.SelectStart, (controller, args) => { args.grab = null } ); < something like that would disable all grabbing