Deploy to Github Pages - no workflow launched in git

Hello there,

I’m trying Needle samples and features, and I try to deploy the animated material scene to Github Pages.

Everything is pushed as in your tutorial, but git doesn’t launch any action to get the githubpage.

Please let me know if I can provide anymore information.

Hi Corentin,

It seems you might be experiencing issues with the GitHub Actions not triggering after deploying your project to GitHub Pages. Here are a few things to check:

  1. Deployment Component: Ensure you’ve added the DeployToGithubPages component to your scene correctly. You must provide a valid GitHub repository URL here.

  2. Valid URL: Double-check that the URL you pasted in the repositoryUrl field follows the correct format, which should look like If it is a GitHub Pages URL, ensure it’s in the proper format too (see deployment) (see the documentation).

  3. GitHub Actions Setup: Ensure that you have a .github/workflows/ directory in your repository with a YAML file defining your workflow. If it’s missing, the action won’t trigger.

  4. Permissions: Check the repository’s settings to ensure Actions are enabled. Sometimes, Actions can be restricted in organizational repositories.

  5. Logs: If the actions still aren’t firing, review the repository’s “Actions” tab for any logs or error messages.

  6. Unity Version: Ensure you are using a compatible version of Unity that supports the Needle Engine’s deployment features, particularly the DeployToGithubPages component.

You may also consider re-running the workflow manually to check for any immediate errors.

If you continue to experience issues, please provide additional details such as your Unity version and if you have any specific errors in the Actions tab.

For further information, you can check the deployment section in the official documentation (see deployment).

Let me know how it goes or if you need further assistance!

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Hi, ive tried to reproduce it but it worked for me here (just created a new empty repo and deployed to it)

Which Nodejs version are you using? Did you see any error in the Unity console? The upload itself looks correct. Can you just try to deploy again? Maybe there was an issue on github’s site?

Hi Marcel,

I’m using Node v20.9.0

No error in Unity Console detected :

Build Production build succeeded in 68,5 sec: E:\OneDrive\00-Game Design\04-Unity\POC_NeedleThirdy\Library\Needle\Sample/dist
By Type:
•	.html →  x 1 = 0,0 mb
•	.json →  x 5 = 0,2 mb
•	.png →  x 4 = 0,5 mb
•	.glb →  x 40 = 2,9 mb
•	.ico →  x 1 = 0,0 mb
•	.js →  x 15 = 4,3 mb
•	.css →  x 1 = 0,0 mb
•	.svg →  x 1 = 0,0 mb
•	.jpg →  x 1 = 0,0 mb
•	.webp →  x 2 = 0,0 mb
•	.wasm →  x 2 = 0,7 mb
•	Total = 8,6 mb
By Directory:
•	dist →  x 2 = 0,0 mb
•	assets →  x 59 = 6,9 mb
•	include →  x 12 = 1,8 mb

UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
Needle.Engine.MenuItems/<InternalExportAndBuildTask>d__34:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine-exporter@3.51.4/Core/Editor/Actions/MenuItems.cs:424)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<bool>:SetResult (bool)
Needle.Engine.ActionsBuild/<InternalBuildDistTask>d__3:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine-exporter@3.51.4/Core/Editor/Actions/ActionsBuild.cs:106)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<bool>:SetResult (bool)
Needle.Engine.Utils.ProcessHelper/<RunCommand>d__6:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine-exporter@3.51.4/Common/Runtime/Utils/ProcessHelper.cs:128)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder`1<Needle.Engine.Utils.ProcessHelper/RunResult>:SetResult (Needle.Engine.Utils.ProcessHelper/RunResult)
Needle.Engine.Utils.ProcessHelper/<RunCommand>d__7:MoveNext () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.needle.engine-exporter@3.51.4/Common/Runtime/Utils/ProcessHelper.cs:331)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

I’ve tried to Build & Deploy, the only Deploy today (and a lot yesterday) but it’s not working.
No action or workflow is launched at the end on Github

Could you send a bugreport via the menu item “Needle Engine/Report a bug” ?

The log above is just the export from Unity. The deployment is a separate step. That obviously also worked since the files are on github.

Did you change any config in github settings? Disable github pages somehow?

For comparison here’s my repo GitHub - marwie/test-pages

I tried forking your repo and publishing to my fork, that worked as well. I guess your settings aren’t forked tho - let’s see if your logs contain any info when you’ve sent the report

I just sent the Bug report :slight_smile:

Thanks, I dont see anything obvious in your logs. Could you perhaps give me access to the repo (“marwie” on github) so I can check the settings?

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I think you need to give me more rights :slight_smile: currently i cannot see the settings

Damn, I can’t give you more acces than collaborator because it’s on a personal account repository.

The only way around would be to transfer the repository to an organization

Ok no problem, can you check how your pages settings are in your repo?

This is how mine look:

the setting was in [main] instead of [gh-pages]

it’s good with this setting !

Thank you @marcel

Ah interesting - do you have any idea why?

I’ll update the docs - thanks for reporting

I’ve tried with another of your sample project.

This setting only have the [main] option at the repo creation on github.

When I start the Build & Deploy on Unity, the [gh-pages] option shows up, don’t ask me how or why but it worked ^^

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