Creating a Stacking Game for My Students - Physics?

is this referencing descriped somewhere? I always just drag/dropped packages like this

by user 367081956959322114

Are you sure its runnign the correct scene and your project doesnt have any errors anymore?
You should also set the colorspace to linear (looks like Gamma in your screenshot)

here: Unity - Manual: Install a package from a local folder (as a reference you can check the project that comes with the samples in “Packages/manifest.json”)

changed to linear… but no errors there, no objects

by user 367081956959322114

I mean errors in Unity? No missing components etc

yeah on the console everything ok

by user 367081956959322114

by user 367081956959322114

If you want to further debug please move this into a new post :slightly_smiling_face:

aha through the package manager, ok

by user 367081956959322114

I don’t get this. Since on the package manager you can only import .json files, but the needle package is a .unitypacakge

by user 367081956959322114

You can double click it to open with Unity or drag-drop onto Unity’s Project browser

You can watch this video:

yes that is possible, but you told me I should “refrence” it and not drag/drop it? right?

by user 367081956959322114

Sorry when I said referencing i was talking about the sample scenes package from the samples repository. The .unitypackage I sent is just the installer for installing the Needle Engine Exporter package which you should drop or open in the Unity Editor that you want to use Needle Engine with

Question related to this (physics) thread:

I see in these (simons and physics) example, both are using the Rigidbody component in Unity editor. Is it possible to add this per typescript on the fly on a on the fly created three.js object?

by user 367081956959322114

Yes but it hasnt been tested much

can I test it? :sweat_smile: do I have to access Cannonjs API or the Unity rigidbody?

by user 367081956959322114

You can add it via this.gameObject.addNewComponent(Rigidbody) - make sure to also add a collider like so: this.gameObject.addNewComponent(BoxCollider)

how can I cast a THREE.Mesh into unitys GameObject?

by user 367081956959322114

Currently you can not pass in default values and I think awake is called immediately by default which might cause problems when certain settings are not set yet - this is what I meant with it hasnt been tested a lot - but please feel free to report issues you run into there and we can improve it :slightly_smiling_face: