Create movable camera first person

this is my screen lol

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

But my camera is like this

by user 191204280198234122

do you have anything assigned here? (on the camera)

this is too difficult lol, i have understand how to create scene and edit this, but the link btween script is too hard

by user 191204280198234122

I dont have orbit control

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

this is my cylinder for my player

by user 191204280198234122

i’m lost

by user 191204280198234122

Can you send a screenshot of your camera GameObject with the components?

by user 191204280198234122

Does the “content” GameObject contain another camera?

you can search for cameras in the scene like this

I have CollaborativeSandbox

by user 191204280198234122

and my camera

by user 191204280198234122


there’s the camera in “Content” - I guess you have two cameras in the scene now?

just one

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

Ok - can you send me the project? :slightly_smiling_face: