Create movable camera first person

so cool

by user 191204280198234122

If its in src/scripts the Unity component will be generated in Assets/Needle/Components.codegen

its just test, i think edit this

by user 191204280198234122


by user 191204280198234122

if its in a npmdef (thats the blue files, e.g. the SamplesScripts here) then codegen will be in a folder besides it

you can have a look at the console, it prints a message whenever it generates the components

creating npmdefs works like this if you every need to (they basically are just npm packages and you can do everything you do with any npm package - but integrated into the Unity workflow)

you just need to add them to the ExportInfo if you want to use them in your web project (this also does actually only add them as a dependency to the package.json, no magic really)

like this

(sorry if its too much information)

okay, i try to understand all,

by user 191204280198234122

its ok for generation i can see Player Control script

by user 191204280198234122

where i create npmdefinition ? In generated script ?

by user 191204280198234122

like this

its similar to some asmdef (AssemblyDefinition)

I dont have β€œelement” btween size on exportinfo dependencies

by user 191204280198234122


my brain is so hot

by user 191204280198234122

now my camera is on random place

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122