Create movable camera first person

You write Typescript in a typescript file (ts file). For example open your web project and add a new ts file in src/scripts

And then in Unity you add a component named MyScript to your GameObject (if you write ts code in src/script or an npmdef a component for Unity will automatically be generated

Ohhhh okay !!

by user 191204280198234122

I have generated a C# script and im trying dev in ts on this file lol

by user 191204280198234122

you can find some examples in the samples repository too here

I’m really noob (cwl)

by user 191204280198234122


dont worry ! :slightly_smiling_face:

its unusual :slightly_smiling_face:

I have found this

by user 191204280198234122

But not this

by user 191204280198234122

Its in the UI Button folder / scene (same screenshot above)


by user 191204280198234122

its because you’re using another project window layout

the files are here then

its okay founded !

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

I can make this ? And its auto generated ?

by user 191204280198234122

Looks fine to me