Create movable camera first person

I have a error

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

I have another error :
Asset Packages/com.needle.engine-exporter/Core/Editor/Projects/Templates/needle-react-three-fiber.codegen has no meta file, but it’s in an immutable folder. The asset will be ignored.

by user 191204280198234122

can you try enabling the β€œExport” GameObject again? :thinking:

Its okay

by user 191204280198234122

by user 191204280198234122

maybe thats also causing some bugs there

can you try enabling it and then export your scene to the web again?

i have enable and export

by user 191204280198234122

this is file ^

by user 191204280198234122


by user 191204280198234122

to the web

by user 191204280198234122

Im not on void

by user 191204280198234122

I have same screen now

by user 191204280198234122

but my script doesnt work i think

by user 191204280198234122

So it was caused by the Export GameObject being disabled then?


by user 191204280198234122

ok good to know

Yes, now i need to found how can i move my camera on typescript

by user 191204280198234122

like in c#

by user 191204280198234122