Camera setup

I’d like to have my scene be as zoomed in as this scene here in the screen recording. Screen Recording 2023-01-09 at 10.19.57 - Google Drive How do I position the camera to look like that? I also included a screen recording Screen Recording 2023-01-09 at 9.59.32 - Google Drive of how my current scene renders on the web page.

Original Post on Discord

by user 534547469992853534

You can set the fov on the camera in unity to a lower value, e.g. 20 degrees.

Then add a LookAtTarget component and assign it a transform to look at and assign the LookAtTarget component to the OrbitControls component

awesome thanks the fov change fixed it!!

by user 534547469992853534

also an observation, when i move my keyboard’s up and down arrows it doesn’t move me forward in the scene, just up and down. screen recording here: - Google Drive

by user 534547469992853534

how can i get it so when the user clicks a keyboard button (doesnt have to be up and down arrow but ideally it is) they move forward in the scene as if they are walking through it?

by user 534547469992853534

Thats threejs orbit controls implementation sadly.

oh can i change it thru threejs?

by user 534547469992853534

by user 534547469992853534

found this

by user 534547469992853534