Expose additional orbit controls

Like min/max PolarAngle and AzimuthAngle and limiting pan would also be nice. :slightly_smiling_face:

Original Post on Discord

by user 486138778348683274

Hey, as an intermediate solution you could extend it yourself by writing a mini component and setting the values on the expose controls property (controls is the OrbitControls by three)

It’s not perfect but here’s my example of a modified Orbit Controls, see the variables for min and max zoom, and it also has panning bounds + camera bounds to prevent panning/zooming or moving outside of a set region.

by user 103054507105067008

Can also recommend this package: GitHub - yomotsu/camera-controls: A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features. :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone have further guidance on implementing the camera-controls GitHub - yomotsu/camera-controls: A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features., as a Needle Component in Blender? I’ve attempted to follow the scripting guidelines Needle Engine Scripting | Needle Engine Documentation, (not a developer) and not yet successful in getting the component to appear. I was able to use the MapControls example posted here, which provided Polar Angle. Discord). Ultimately, hoping to apply a panning ‘boundary’ in addition to polar angle or other controls, to keep users from panning ‘away’ from the intended scene. thanks for any input

by user 737185978183319583

Hello, maybe this helps you in getting started. It’s a minimal sample of including this package.
Make sure to install the package first.

@ROBYER1 by the way, you can share such snippets now for inclusion in our docs: needle-tools/needle-engine-support Share · Discussions · GitHub

Would love if you share some of the helpers and scripts you made!

They show up here:

Will make sure to when I get some time to share!

by user 103054507105067008

Thanks for that example, and I think I got it working, kind of. Was able to set a panning boundary with the camera-controls in Unity. A new question is how to disable camera-control orbit, when also using Drag Controls on other objects. Made a little scene: Unity_rw_terrain_realtime

by user 737185978183319583