Turning off the default OrbitControls?

Creating a new needle project manually and upon export I can orbit my scene with the mouse. Given that I’m making a game I don’t want that default behavior. It looks like the docs say you can get that behavior by adding the OrbitControls to the Main Camera, but I’m seeing that without having that Component anywhere in my scene.

Original Post on Discord

by user 106501920008445952

can you type in this?


by user 106501920008445952

And you have a camera in the scene?

In Unity

by user 106501920008445952

:thinking: tried it here but works as expected - and you are sure you dont have any other script in the scene that modifies the camera?

I did use the react-three-fiber starter example because I was unable to get passed the ReferenceError ‘Behavior’ issue with the default template.

by user 106501920008445952

I have custom .cs scripts that handle movement, but I have no code on the ts side yet

by user 106501920008445952

Ah the react 3 sample has a camera defined in the react template I think

with controls I think

by user 106501920008445952

Ah, there it is

by user 106501920008445952


Ok, I’ll manually remove that from the generated template for now.

by user 106501920008445952

Unrelated: Should the expectation here to have the default view in the exported project be the same as the camera view in Unity?

by user 106501920008445952

No since in this template the camera is setup in react-three-fiber - there is currently no builtin connection between this and the needle camera settings

by user 106501920008445952

Ah, right there. I’ll delete and see if I can get the default template working again.

by user 106501920008445952

In 99% of the cases I use the vite template since I want to have full control over the webgl scene - the r3fiber is in a more experimental state / proof of concept state. I’m not sure if you could just remove the camera component from the template :thinking: ideally it would recognize it and use the camera from the scene