Blend shapes problem

I am having a problem with models containing blend shapes, which we use for facial animation. I can press “play” and it runs just fine on the local server. But if I try to build for production, I get the error you see in this image. I tried to turn off Mesh compression (see the area ringed in red) but the error message about Draco compression is still there.

Original Post on Discord

by user 420944948767227905

Hi Jan! Thats odd, it shouldn’t apply any compression on the glb when set to none and would be a bug if it still did. Are you sure no component is referencing the prefab (trinity…) As well?

It must be because of a reference actually because of the glb name.

Can you try adding it to the prefab (the mesh compression component) and set it to None?

The Trinity prefab also has a mesh compression component set to None

by user 420944948767227905

I mean the prefab asset. It looks like one of your scripts is referencing the trinity prefab which results in the prefab being exported as a separate glb and with default settings

We don’t have any scripts yet!

by user 420944948767227905

Is it referenced by the synced camera maybe? :thinking:

Yes it is!

by user 420944948767227905

Should it not be?

by user 420944948767227905

Can you try if it works if you remove that reference? (Did you reference the scene object or the prefab asset in the project browser?)

I referenced the scene object. It does not work if I remove the reference.

by user 420944948767227905

It stops complaining about Trinity though

by user 420944948767227905

Is the error perhaps caused by mesh simplification?

Could you explain further?

by user 420944948767227905

The message above the error says it simplified the mesh meaning one of the meshes in the scene has mesh simplification enabled in the import settings of the mesh in unity.

Could that be the case?

I turned off mesh simplification in Trinity’s mesh and it made no difference. Perhaps it’s in another object?

by user 420944948767227905

Yeah perhaps? If you want you can send a bug report from the current scene too (with the menu item in Needle Engine/Report a bug). I wont be able to take a look at it before friday tho

OK, turned off all mesh simplification in all meshes, made no difference.

by user 420944948767227905

I will send a bug report. Does it send the scene or do you want me to email that to you?

by user 420944948767227905