Blend shapes problem

It asks you if you want it to upload it encrypted to our backend. We will get a message with your report then

Ok you could also try to set certain parts of your scene to editoronly (using the Unity Tag) to see which object is causing it.

With the ExportInfo context menu options you can quickly re-apply compression too (it will apply to the last exported assets for local testing)

Will do thanks!

by user 420944948767227905

Failed to upload! Where shall I email it?

by user 420944948767227905

Shared via Google drive

by user 420944948767227905

Thank you

hey! on our end, weā€™re gonna keep trying models to get to the bottom of this, and can confirm that other character models with blendshapes do avoid this error and work fine. Thereā€™s just something about our charactersā€¦!

by user 248501710404845568

Our characters are made with the Character Creator 4 from Reallusion

by user 420944948767227905

Thanks, will try with your scene soon too and let you know

It seems to be related to models with a large number of blend shapes (40+)

by user 420944948767227905

Sent you one of the models @marcel :cactus: !

by user 420944948767227905

Thank you!

Quick update, looks like thereā€™s multiple issues here:

Weā€™ll take a better look at the second one, for now a workaround is to make Dev builds (which will skip compression entirely)

This is a wonderful update, thank you!! On our end, weā€™re happy to report that Janetā€™s tried and succeeded (built without error) with Reallusion Character Creator models that have 0 or 2 blendshapes (as opposed to the 60 we normally use) - confirming the issues youā€™re describing. Weā€™re gonna continue to try and figure out either:

  • what magic number (5? 30?) we can get away with before that Draco bug arises, or
  • which blendshapes in particular cause it to fail

ā€¦since MeshCompression sounds like a really important thing that we want, as performance is why weā€™re here in the first place. Will report back what we find!

by user 248501710404845568

Thanks for the update too, thatā€™s good to know! Weā€™ve been exporting other models with 60+ blendshapes just fine, so it seems something else is at play too.

If I had to guess Iā€™d say the issues arise when the model has custom normals (so some hard edges and not everything everywhere smooth) but that is really just an educated guess.

Thanks! We will be making dev builds until a new Needle version comes out with the MeshCompression option fixed.

by user 420944948767227905

Hi guys, no need to wait. I just published a fix to the build pipeline scripts. The issue was that the settings got lost during some part of the process. Please run a clean install in the ExportInfo component (hold ALT + click install) and then your production builds should also work as expected.
The logs should then look like this (include the version of the build-pipeline tools)

Thanks so much Marcel! I can now make a production build by setting Mesh Compression to None on the scene

by user 420944948767227905

Yep exactly! Glad it works now