XR Demo of Jet Engine doesnt work in Quest 3

XR Demo of Jet Engine doesnt work in Quest 3. When I deploy to Glitch this is how the screen looks like. Does anybody knows what is the problem? (edited)

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Hey :wave: Thank you for pointing this issue out. We are aware of it and working on a solution. This is a regression with Bi-RP.

As a workaround, you will need to copy the material and change the Surface Type to Transparent.

Copy the Hitbox material (The black material that you see in the scene)
Change the Surface Type to Transparent and then find all 5 hitbox meshes (boxes) and assign your copied material to them.

Then the scene should already look the same as on our website.

Thanks. That has partially worked. I can see the jet engine, however instead of seeing this

I see this one:

It also doesnt let me to rotate the object. The only thing I can do is to pinch fingers and it will go through the different stages. How do I enable turning the object and pan/zoom on the quest 3?

Hey :wave: Sorry for your trouble with the scene.

In order to rotate an object in XR, you can add DragControlst on a root object. The best would be to add it to the Everywhere game object :slight_smile:

This is unexpected. Did you do something specific with the sample scene? Perhaps try deleting the copied scene in Unity’s Assets/ and open the sample again via the Samples Window.

If that doesn’t help, does it occur locally or when you deploy?

And do you have any errors in your Unity console when building? Or in browser console when seeing the broken visual?

Let me know if you would have any further questions :cactus: :slight_smile: