Why are changes to Particle System not reflected in the game?

I’m trying to make a simple particle effect by changing the y value of the Particle System’s 3D start size to 20. In an Ordinary project, the change is reflected in the scene view and at runtime by having long ray-like particles, but in a needle project it is only reflected in the scene view. The particles still look like circles at run time.

Steps to reproduce:
Create a new Unity 3D Project.
Add a Needle Engine Exporter to the SampleScene.
Create a Particle System in the hierarchy.
Toggle 3D start size and set the Y value to 20.
Play the game and open a server.

In the scene view the particles look like rays, but server “runtime” version they will look like circles

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by user 216692838757433347

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Here is what I found for you :brain: Discord

Hello Dubbies, it seems that you are facing an issue where particle effects appear differently in the editor compared to runtime in your Needle Engine project. According to the documentation, the ParticleSystem component in Needle Engine has properties that align with Unity’s ParticleSystem, but they need to be accessed and set appropriately through TypeScript with the behavior components.

To ensure that the 3D start size effect is applied correctly at runtime, verify that the corresponding properties such as xMultiplier, yMultiplier, and zMultiplier are being set properly in your TypeScript code, and that the update method is being called on the ParticleSystem to apply the changes. Please ensure that you’re accessing the correct modules and applying the changes through the Needle Engine’s Particle System API (see the documentation).

For further assistance, it is important that the actual TypeScript code used for creating and applying the particle effect is reviewed for correctness according to Needle Engine’s implementation. If you provide the relevant code snippet, I could offer more targeted advice.

If the problem persists, double-check that there are no overrides upon entering play mode, and if you’re using custom materials or shaders, make sure they are compatible with Needle Engine’s rendering pipeline and that they are not causing discrepancies between the editor and runtime views.

1 messages left GPT 4

Where in the documentation does it say “component in Needle Engine has properties that align with Unity’s ParticleSystem, but they need to be accessed and set appropriately through TypeScript”?
All I see in the documentation regarding particles is this: “Export of Unity ParticleSystem (Shuriken) is in development. Features currently include world/local space simulation, box and sphere emitter shapes, emission over time as well as burst emission, velocity- and color over time, emission by velocity, texturesheet animation, basic trails.
See a live sample of supported features below:”

by user 216692838757433347

As far as I can tell from looking at ParticleSystem class in Needle Tools, there is no way to modify the y value of the 3D start size through code. Is this true?

by user 216692838757433347

Hi, you’re correct, the sprite particles can only be scaled uniformly (so they don’t have 3 axis for scale).