Can I remove the white line that appears when using Drag control?
by user 570979052081381376
Can I remove the white line that appears when using Drag control?
by user 570979052081381376
Hi, i was thinking the same yesterday and would like to expose some more settings for the component.
The line should visualize the plane the object is being dragged on but in many cases it doesnt work great right now.
Right now there is no setting for it but i’ll make a task for it
by user 570979052081381376
Thx marcel!
by user 570979052081381376
You can disable it in the latest release
@marcel how to remove whiteline??
by user 570979052081381376
disable “Show Gizmo”
I didn’t choose gizmo but still appear whiteline
by user 570979052081381376
Did you re-export? Just click Play again
I’ve applied it to other scenes, and I can still see it when I export it. Sorry
by user 570979052081381376
by user 570979052081381376
Are you sure it’s not another DragControls component?