What does RangeError Maximum call stack size exceeded mean

ah i see thank you so much for the comprehensive reply

by user 534547469992853534

i will try out those 2 options and let you know

by user 534547469992853534

happy holidays!

by user 534547469992853534

could it be due to where the “MyScene” is placed? I had to move around some file hierarchies after importing a Unity Asset Demo (which is the “Day_Demo”)

by user 534547469992853534

Okay so i played around with it, but am running into errors

by user 534547469992853534

One of the console errors before said “Missing Camera script” I looked through the discord and saw that you recommended to install this missing component info missing-component-info/package/Readme.md at main · needle-tools/missing-component-info · GitHub and did that

by user 534547469992853534

here are the console log

by user 534547469992853534

by user 534547469992853534

Okay I am running into an interesting error. I am able to get one building to render and show on the web page when the file hierarchy looks like the screenshot. But if I remove that building and replace it with the cafe building, i run into the same error of RangeError which means it is happening with the specific asset

by user 534547469992853534

I dont get why though because they are coming from the same pack

by user 534547469992853534

it says this

by user 534547469992853534

Also Im adding my terrain but it doesnt render in the web

by user 534547469992853534

Is there a special place the terrain has to be added?

by user 534547469992853534

by user 534547469992853534

So problem is 1) when i add some assets from my unity package that i bought, it doesnt show on the website. the website still renders other objects but doesn’t render those assets. Im saving the project as well. 2) terrain doesnt render

by user 534547469992853534

About the terrain: you need to bake the mesh to a mesh renderer. We dont support exporting Unity Terrain out of the box right now

Can you share that asset with us?

Would be great if you could make a scene with only the building that breaks it and then send us the zip using the help menu item (as described in my message from yesterday)

Thanks for trying! And wish you happy holidays too :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks so much! Here is the zip file of the scene and zip logs in a google drive link. CollaborativeSandbox 1 - Google Drive



I included just one building asset that leads to the message: “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” but there are also other assets that cause the web page to crash and some that don’t. The simpler assets such as the traffic lights, vending machines in the same asset pack work and show on the webpage. Maybe it’s because the building is too complex? But even then, it’s not that much more of a larger asset.

My asset pack was bought from this Unity store: Tokyo Street | 3D Urban | Unity Asset Store

by user 534547469992853534