I get these a lot on the above mentioned engine version, I realise it’s a bit ahead of the supported but just wanted to mention it
by user 103054507105067008
I get these a lot on the above mentioned engine version, I realise it’s a bit ahead of the supported but just wanted to mention it
by user 103054507105067008
Hey can you share the LoaderFixer.cs file?
I’ll try to get it to regen the file without API updates to send over
by user 103054507105067008
The ts
fould be more helpful actually. But youre right - generally non LTS versions are not supported
by user 103054507105067008
Oh that’s large. Do you know what the updater changes?
I’ll figure it out and post back when I do
by user 103054507105067008
public UnityEditorInternal.AnimatorController @animCtrl; gets changed to public UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController @animCtrl;
by user 103054507105067008
Ah interesting - you can annotate it in your script with //@type UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController
to enforce that type (right above the field in your ts file)