V2.51.0-pre Three errors

Since the update I get a lot of errors like Argument of type 'THREE.Vector3' is not assignable to parameter of type, I assume "skipLibCheck": true in tsconfig.json is always expected now to work around?

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

Looks like the update to current threejs types brings a lot of wrong types with it unfortunately, see Discord

Skiplibcheck hasn’t fixed the errors for me on a production build, anything else I can do?

by user 103054507105067008

Can you try downgrading in the engine package to e.g. "@types/three": "^0.145.0", (or lower) ?

previous version we used was 134 but obviously that’s way behind.

It was set to 0.134.0 already

by user 103054507105067008

You need to remove the ^, delete the @types folder in node_modules and then install again

So just "@types/three": "0.145.0",

by user 103054507105067008


I get all these on clean install but it is installing

by user 103054507105067008

Oops I changed it in my package not the engine one

by user 103054507105067008

Nope, same errors after changing the @types/three to 0.145.0 in Engine > package.json

by user 103054507105067008

same here, after downgrading to 0.141.0

by user 474974683163394049

Even 141 doesnt work?

when using 141 i get a different error :sweat_smile:

by user 474974683163394049

by user 474974683163394049

What if you remove the types package completely?

no error :scream_cat:

by user 474974683163394049

but still linting/type info?

nope, everything is type any now

by user 474974683163394049