User Interaction in VR Stops Video

I’ve encountered an anomaly when viewing video content in VR - specifically in the Meta Quest 2 browser.

I’ve successfully used mp4 videos (transcoded for compatibility) in scenes, and they play just fine in all non-VR browsers. However, if the same content is visited using a headset then as soon as there’s any user interaction via the controllers - such as rotating the content in the browser window or clicking on the enter VR button - the videos stop playing.

I created a simple example and recorded the behaviour in my headset but sadly my Meta account’s not able to sync/share the recording for some reason, so I can’t show you what I’m experiencing. Sorry about that.

Here’s the Glitch, though, if you want to try and reproduce what I’ve described:

Original Post on Discord

by user 908977119781060648

Hi, sorry for the delay – thanks for the repro scene, unfortunately that link doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Will try to repro

Ooops! Apologies @herbst🌵 … I must have inadvertently archived it during a recent tidy-up of projects.

I’ve reactivated it now :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 908977119781060648