Hello, I try the tutorial but get stuck because I have this message displayed. Node.js is installed, I even have it open, but the message won’t go away… Any tips ?
Thanks in advance !
by user 339379530265264138
Hello, I try the tutorial but get stuck because I have this message displayed. Node.js is installed, I even have it open, but the message won’t go away… Any tips ?
Thanks in advance !
by user 339379530265264138
What is logged when you run node -v
from a terminal?
by user 339379530265264138
Sorry if I made it wrong, I’m a unity dev, I’m not good at all in consoles and web scripts
by user 339379530265264138
by user 339379530265264138
I tried from the console and got this
by user 339379530265264138
by user 339379530265264138
Thanks, that’s what I meant. Could you restart your PC and try again? Sometimes after a fresh node install that seems to be required.
ok let’s go !
by user 339379530265264138
Ok it worked, the good old turn it off and on again. Thanks !
by user 339379530265264138
Awesome! Have fun