Using Unity 2022.2.1f1, Needle Exporter 2.58.2-pre1
Try this on mobile Android Chrome/ IOS Safari
Press the swap model button and see it doesn’t press really, if you spam press it, it eventually presses
I’m heading off for the day now but hoping to get to the bottom of this monday, I’ll just delete the text object if needed just so it works but I’m not sure what’s going on
This sounds like an issue I had a while ago where the button would work fine in a browser but not in VR. The issue was that other elements in the button were getting the click (i.e. the text element instead of the background) . The solution was to prevent the button text from getting clicks but i can’t recall the details
Looking back through the forum posts and I had to remove the raycastTarget from everything but the active part of the button.
I can confirm the text object doesn’t cause it as I deleted the text object, the button only presses on mobile if you long press it then release after which is weird