In Unity, I can control the text rendering with some html code. Is this somehow possible in needle as well?
by user 334342083445784576
In Unity, I can control the text rendering with some html code. Is this somehow possible in needle as well?
by user 334342083445784576
The Text element should work with rich text if you have the font assets in your project and they can be found e.g. by name ``-Regular,
Doesn’t work for me in build, only in the Unity Editor. Tried with OpenSans as well, same result
by user 334342083445784576
which Needle Engine version are you on?
there’s also a error in the richtext
it’s just exporting the regular font for me
by user 334342083445784576
Setting the Font Style to italic and using the regular font, it correctly exports both italic and regular, but not the bold.
by user 334342083445784576
But everything is shown italic in the build (fixed the rich text typo)
by user 334342083445784576
I’m on Unity 2022.2.8f1 and Needle 2.67.18
by user 334342083445784576
Okay, updating needle exporter to 3.1.0-alpha.2 worked for me. Let’s hope it breaks nothing else
by user 334342083445784576