UI text not visible in build

Ah sorry i didnt see that

strangely one of my buttons is also not visible

by user 1013817853725646862

in the game view one UI element ( blue and white button ) is in front of another, but in the build it is behind for some reason

by user 1013817853725646862

do they have the same z value?

not anymore😆

by user 1013817853725646862

they did but I have changed them so that one is physically in front instead of just heirachically

by user 1013817853725646862

Are you trying to generate car paints with AI? :slightly_smiling_face:

How would I go about making a screenshot and downloading it? I was previously doing something like this: //if WebGL, download file
if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WebGLPlayer)

        var texture = UnityEngine.ScreenCapture.CaptureScreenshotAsTexture();
        byte[] textureBytes = texture.EncodeToPNG();
        DownloadFile(textureBytes, textureBytes.Length, "screenshot" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yy (HH-mm-ss)") + ".png");

by user 1013817853725646862

There is a helper method, one second

private static extern void DownloadFile(byte array, int byteLength, string fileName);

by user 1013817853725646862

in @needle-tools/engine/engine/engine_utils_screenshot

it has a method called screenshot that you can use, just pass in the context, width and height and it will return the screenshot data that you can download

And I would download it in the same way?

by user 1013817853725646862

it is webp by default, but you can pas in image/png for png

you could do it like this javascript - Download data URL file - Stack Overflow

or better javascript - How to download a base64-encoded image? - Stack Overflow

so somthing like … var texture =ScreenCapture(“.png”,Screen.width, Screen.height);? not sure what you mean by context here

by user 1013817853725646862

screenshot(this.context, 1024, 512) for example < size that you define

or screenshot(this.context, window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, "image/png") < size of your browser window as png

or screenshot(this.context, this.context.domWidth, this.context.domHeight) < size of your webgl canvas