Trying to play the vue sample

What’s inside node_modules/flatbuffers and/or node_modules/@needle-tools/engine/node_modules/flatbuffers ?

by user 483253293477265409

It’s not installed! What’s being logged when you click “Install” in the Unity Editor?

that warning on the right won’t dissapear

by user 483253293477265409

The warning is right tho ^^

Mh I’ll try to reproduce it.

in the meantime you can go into that folder with a terminal and run npm install. Maybe that is enough

Can you maybe also send me your log files? Via “Needle Engine/Bug Report/Collect Logs” (it’s a menu item)

by user 483253293477265409

this got rid of the warning

by user 483253293477265409

All working!!

by user 483253293477265409

Thanks :smiling_face_with_tear:

by user 483253293477265409

No problem. Hopefully the logs contain any info on why it didnt install that automatically there

ok thiiiiis is odd. Why are there two different project paths

Pretty sure that’s why it didnt work

Which one is the correct one?

Yup looks like the top path is another Unity project

But how did it end up there?

Anyways: thanks for your patience. I’ll add a check for this case and try to catch it / fix it automatically

is it because I imported the samples from a folder that is outside of the project maybe?

by user 483253293477265409