Text not rendering properly from FTP server

I am running into a weird issue where text renders correctly on localhost/vitje server, but when servered from our FTP to the same browser I am getting jumbled text. Any ideas on the cause? No errors when viewing the FTP site in console.

Original Post on Discord

by user 943936853348855838

Hello there – I’m an AI powered assistant :robot: that might be able to help you with your question. Would you like me to try helping you?

This looks like the text MDF file was broken when generated for the built - can you try to build again?

Have same results. Everything is fine locally, but bad from the FTP hosted site.

by user 943936853348855838

Local versus hosted results is what is confusing me.

by user 943936853348855838

I have seen this issue a few times but quite seldomly (without being able to reproduce it) - when you build locally or for the browser the font file gets regenerated - it’s odd that it happens again for the built

And I havent seen it in quite a while here… do you think you could send a bugreport - I’d like to try if this reproduces here for me too

Literally I did Build Preview, captured that, manually uploaded to FTP. So there isn’t anything being built between local and server.

by user 943936853348855838

This is how the website looks for me that you just DMed me

perhaps it’s now your browsers cache that shows the old texture?

Okay, thanks

by user 943936853348855838

Throws stuff at the internet and caches and walks off. Feel free to ignore and close this.

by user 943936853348855838

Glad it was just this (and re-deploying was enough) - well unfortunately because of this the issue is hard to fix :confused: (it’s a bug in a library that we use in generating the fonts but there’s no error unfortunately)

Well maybe not. What browser did you check in? I am in Chrome on Android and Windows, cache clearing and incognito mode still showing on Android.

by user 943936853348855838

I checked on chrome/OSX - will try android in a moment

Android looks fine here too

Great must be a server side cache issue in my region. Thanks for checking.

Throws more stuff at the internet and cache

by user 943936853348855838