
Hey guys! So, I`m doing an interface in web for my company’s WebXR project and I’m here to ask if there’s the possibility of using TailwindCSS or any other CSS framework together with Needle Engine, to make my life easier. Thanks in advance!

Original Post on Discord

by user 185426914486386688

Hello @Bruno Dias of course there is. Needle Engine is pretty unopinionated about your webdev setup. We have some starter templates prepared (e.g. using vite) but you’re free to setup your webproject differently / export to another existing project.

So for example you can just install tailwind css and use it like in any other webdev project.

Amazing, thanks!

by user 185426914486386688

I mean, my project already has a Vite set up, but I think we’ve not set it up with tailwind, but I think I can install it via npm and configure it

by user 185426914486386688

(For example we use it often times with vue, we also have basic starters for r3f and plain react and we know people use it with e.g. nextjs projects)

Yes exactly you can install it and use it as per their documentation :slightly_smiling_face:

great, thanks!

by user 185426914486386688

Btw, you mentioned you use it with Vue. since I know that React has the r3f, what kind of wrapper for Vue do you guys use to make it work with three.js? do you use Trois.js, Tres.js or did you create your own?

by user 185426914486386688

We dont use a wrapper. We build and setup the 3d content in Unity / Blender and build the 2d frontend in vue and some hooks to communicate with the scene / components in the 3d scene where necessary

oooooh okay then

by user 185426914486386688

nice to know that Vue can be used that way

by user 185426914486386688

I mean the major difference is that all the 3d interactive stuff is shipped inside the gltf and you add and edit it in a visual way in Blender or Unity. So you dont have to construct a scene graph and attaching stuff to the objects in code

But when you need to access any of the components or modify things from code then you CAN of course :slightly_smiling_face:


by user 185426914486386688