Something strange with the Animator

Hi, I´m have connected the animations from a character model that I found in the asset store. All works fine with the transitions in the state machine of the animator, it has four clips : idle, walk, run and jump.
Now, I just want to animate a cube that go from one point to another. That animation looks as I want in the Unity Editor, it only has two states :
1 - Whe is steady
2 - When it moves side to side.
It has only one transition using a boolean activate.
Then I have attached a simple script to the object that has the animator:

export class SimpleAnimatorController extends Behaviour{

    update(): void {

            console.log("Activate Animation");
            console.log(this.gameObject.getComponent(Animator));//This looks fine in the web console
            this.gameObject.getComponent(Animator)?.setBool("activate", true); 


After done this, The transition is not working and I don´t know why if my character´s animations works just fine.
I have tried use exported animations from blender but I doesn´t work yet.

Original Post on Discord

by user 632418299711324161

These are my versions :

by user 632418299711324161

with “not working”, do you mean the animation stays in leftToRight? or does it never enter that state?

It does it never enter in that state.

by user 632418299711324161

If I set the “leftToRight” state as default it works.

by user 632418299711324161

But it doesnt change using the transition of “activate”

by user 632418299711324161

Hm that’s strange. Could you report a bug?

Yeah, what is the schema to report it and where ?

by user 632418299711324161

Perfect, thank you.

by user 632418299711324161