Hi !
Sorry for bothering you, I’m currently working on adding a skybox in my scene.
Problem : When I use the SkyboxExportSettings, if I try to export the most basic quality with a 4K image, I need to use 2048 quality export which make my glb 7Mo => 23Mo.
If I don’t, (like 512/1024) my skybox is terribly pixelised . (and in 2048 it’s look terrible too)
I tried to find the skybox settings recommendation on the documentation but I didn’t find it.
Can you help me ?
Original Post on Discord
by user 224464722878005248
November 26, 2022, 12:00am
Can you show a screenshot of your skybox?
The sky is in 1024 resolution here
by user 224464722878005248
Mind dropping the source file of your skybox here?
Also, which exporter version are you on?
by user 224464722878005248
by user 224464722878005248
by user 224464722878005248
Thanks! Do you get the same issues when you use Skybox/Cubemap and turn the input into a cubemap?
I try cubeMap
by user 224464722878005248
But I can’t use cubeMap, I can’t select my jpg file as texture
by user 224464722878005248
by user 224464722878005248
I can’t add my texture in Cubemap (HDR)
by user 224464722878005248
You need to select it and change import settings to Cubemap
by user 224464722878005248
With cubemap
by user 224464722878005248
Hm, looks the same pixelated. Thanks - I’ll try to reproduce!
Hi !
Just to add more informations, three js handle perfectly when I add my own CubeMap.
Here :
by user 224464722878005248
by user 224464722878005248
import { Behaviour, GameObject } from "@needle-tools/engine/engine-components/Component";
import * as THREE from 'three';
export class addCubeMap extends Behaviour
start() {
this.context.scene.background = new THREE.CubeTextureLoader()
.setPath( '../../include/' )
.load( [
] );
*by user 224464722878005248*