Simple look at target?

// auto generated code - do not edit directly
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
#pragma warning disable

namespace Needle.Typescript.GeneratedComponents
public partial class LookAt : UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour
public LookAtConstraint @target;
public void update(){}




by user 855361388318425109

this is what i was trying to do

by user 855361388318425109

for example:

import { Behaviour, serializeable } from "@needle-tools/engine";
import { Object3D } from "three"

export class LookAt extends Behaviour {

    otherObject?: Object3D;

    update() {
        if (this.otherObject)

ok what should i name the file ?

by user 855361388318425109

You need to add @serializable() to all object references with the type you’re trying to assign needle-engine-support/documentation/ at main · needle-tools/needle-engine-support · GitHub

Doesnt matter :slightly_smiling_face:

You can even have multiple scripts in one typescript file

cs ?

by user 855361388318425109


by user 855361388318425109

You put it in a file like LookAt.ts

in src/scripts for example

you can read about more that in Needle Engine Scripting | Needle Engine Documentation :slightly_smiling_face:

And you can download a project from Samples Projects | Needle Engine Documentation if you need more examples

na that’s not working

by user 855361388318425109

What exactly?


by user 855361388318425109

by user 855361388318425109

the file is not showing

by user 855361388318425109

yet it’s inside

by user 855361388318425109

you mean the c# code? Its generated in Assets/Needle/Components.codegen if you put it in thesrc/scripts folder