Scene Hierarchy - Right Click - Needle - Export as GLB - GLTF includes skybox.exr from scene?

Happens to me with every exported file I try exporting that way, the scene Lighting Environment has a material for a skybox using a .exr file but the model I am exporting has 1 material on it which is Shader Graphs/glTF=pbrMetallicRoughness

Original Post on Discord

by user 103054507105067008

I have a repro for this I can provide

by user 103054507105067008

if you export using Needle then it’s by design that the skybox is included right now, this is not a bug

Can of course be argued that it should be configurable
But for testing assets outside Needle engine please use Assets > UnityGltf > Export Selected as GLB

Thanks, marking as answered, just wondered if it was meant to happen

by user 103054507105067008

Otherwise people you send bug reports will most likely tell you “your file uses extensions we don’t know, we won’t look into it, send us clean files” :slightly_smiling_face: