Scale property does not exist on GameObject

Why does this happen??

Original Post on Discord

by user 483253293477265409

For the record: it works but i just don’t understand why it does that

by user 483253293477265409

i think the project is missing installed threejs.

Try running npm i in the project that has the references missing or “Install” on the ExportInfo component / NPM package.

I’m not a web dev, so i’m not sure what/why/how, sometimes a project re-open helped as well.

Worst case scenario Agents of Needle will come to the rescue :cactus: :syringe: :crossed_fingers:

by user 483253293477265409

Updated this

by user 483253293477265409

Do I have to update this one too?

by user 483253293477265409

No - you should not update three to 153 yet because it has some breaking changes (we’re currently testing and updating the dependency on our side here too)

This is unrelated - you seem to have a vite dependnecy mismatch. I’d say update vite to 4.x in your project if you havent already

by user 483253293477265409

I’ve put three: " " but it has not installed the optimal version as I’m seeing

by user 483253293477265409

What do you mean?

I looked into an issue I had some time ago and you told me to put that and then clean install and it should install the version needle needs

by user 483253293477265409

I mean what does “the optimal version as I’m seeing” mean?

it was the 0.15 but I reverted it at the end

by user 483253293477265409

What about this one?

by user 483253293477265409