Room names in connection.currentRoomName start with "GlitchTemplate"

It seems like they should only have the latter part like giant_frog_978

Original Post on Discord

by user 563549194137239552

That’s the internal prefix defined here

Ahh! OK

by user 563549194137239552

playing with the syncedroom component and if i don’t enable the join random room check, and i don’t give a room parameter in the url it says in the tooltip for the require room parameter that it will create a default room based just on the room name, but if i do that I don’t get any of the room joining callbacks

by user 563549194137239552

by user 563549194137239552

none of the engine_networking debug print statements print either… like it’s not joining any room

by user 563549194137239552

this is using local network… maybe it only creates a default room when deployed

by user 563549194137239552

    awake() {
        if(debug) console.log("Room", this.roomName, this.urlParameterName, this.joinRandomRoom, this.requireRoomParameter, this.autoRejoin);
        if (this._roomPrefix === undefined) {
            this._roomPrefix = this.roomName;
            this.roomName = "";

by user 563549194137239552

There is no way to find out what the prefix is because in awake you take the roomName string, set prefix to it, and then blank out the public roomName so I can’t get the prefix as set and subtract it from the room name reported in Join room callback

by user 563549194137239552

The hacky way would be to access it via syncedRoomComp["_roomPrefix"] but I’ll expose it via a public property in the next version :slightly_smiling_face:

I made it public in my hacked source but would be better not to make changes to the core code

by user 563549194137239552

I agree