Repository ignore list for own project

I use Needle with Unity. With my Repository commits I have always trouble with the node_modules folder.
Can I put it to my Repository ignore list?
Or is there something else I have to ignore?

Yes, you can add the node_modules folder to your repository’s ignore list by including the following line in your .gitignore file:


You should also consider ignoring other common folders and files that do not need to be version-controlled using the following entries, which are present in the provided documentation:


In summary, adding these entries can help keep your repository clean by excluding files that don’t need concern during commits, especially for libraries like Needle Engine with Unity (see the documentation) (see the documentation).

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How to set assets/
from the Needle Data in Unity projects to ignore list, without ignoring the Unity project assets/ folder?

To ignore the assets/ folder created by the Needle Engine in Unity projects while keeping the main Unity project assets, you need to specify a more targeted path in your .gitignore file. Instead of adding just assets/, you should include a relative path to the Needle-generated assets.

For example, you can add the following entry to your .gitignore file:


This will ignore all content in the Assets/Needle directory, while still allowing Unity’s Assets/ folder and its contents (like project assets) to be tracked.

By specifying the exact path to the Needle assets, you ensure that only those specific files and folders are ignored (see the documentation).

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If i do ignore like you said, i will ignore all my custom script files too. That is not possible.

I understand your concern, . To ignore only the specific folder generated by Needle while keeping your custom scripts intact, you can use a more targeted approach.

Instead of ignoring everything in Assets/Needle, specify only the subfolders or files that Needle generates. For example, if Needle generates a specific directory structure that you want to ignore, you can use:


If you have custom scripts inside the Assets/Needle folder and want to keep them, ensure to structure your .gitignore file to be selective. Here’s an example:

# Ignore only the Needle-generated Data folder
# Keep other files/scripts

This way, you will ignore only the specified directory while retaining any custom scripts in the other folders. Adjust the paths accordingly based on where Needle generates its files.

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Hello @NickiLeupoldXRE it seems like you’re editing your repository root gitignore file but the bot suggested to edit the .gitignore file inside the Needle Engine web project - then ignoring assets will not affect your Unity project at all.

If you prefer doing it from your root gitignore then you can enter the relative path to your web project <path>/<to>/<web_project>/assets

But i’m using Unity Version Control (Plastic SCM).
.gitignore will not work. It’s a little different.

But i think i found a got workaround. I try to avoid using project names for the needle data.

The main thing i wanted to know which folders i can put into the ignore list.
So what i know not is i need to keep "Needle\src" because of the custom scripts and "Needle\dist" to keep the current custom build.

Understood – good to know you’re havint this issue with Unity’s Version Control, we can look into that.
For what folders etc. are ignored, you can check the existing .gitignore in the web project – that’s the complete list/patterns.

If you come up with an ignore file that works for Unity VCS, would be great if you share it here!

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