Permission request fail

I am trying to enable the user to go full screen when on click, however, it says “Permission request fail” when I use in my code. The funny thing is that the application still goes full-screen, is there anyway to hide the error or make it goes away?

Original Post on Discord

by user 204651044183998464

1 more question, my canvas text box is not able to show Chinese. Is there any way to fix it?

by user 204651044183998464

Which font are you using in the canvas text components?
The font asset has settings for which characters are included. By default if it is set to dynamic it will only include 1) used characters in your scene and 2) all ascii characters.
You can either change the font setting to define the characters specifically or add a FontAdditionalCharacters component once somewhere in your scene and add the characters there

Regarding fullscreen: is there more to the error? Fullscreen requires user interaction in web browsers, so you can make the app go fullscreen on any click but not just when opening the page automatically.

I have resolved the problem by restarting the Unity project.

by user 204651044183998464

I’m still working on it, will definitely update when I have more progress on it

by user 204651044183998464