How to resize and reposition UI/canvas based on browser window size?

So the npm didnā€™t worked after the update.

Also colors of my game environment changed and got darkerā€¦

Then i exprted the scene, created a new project and first imported the needle and then my sceneā€¦

I canā€™t get the same color backā€¦ Also if i make any change in color of the environment, the local server shows dark environment

by user 546555823451668481

Is your project set to linear color space in Unity?


by user 546555823451668481

When itā€™s black it probably means that you have an error at runtime, can you check the browser console?

by user 546555823451668481

how to have access to delta time in needle engine ?

by user 546555823451668481


Checkout Scripting Introduction | Needle Engine Documentation

okay, i think i solved all the issues,I just wanted to know that if we publish to glitch then will others be able to see my website ? because i dont want that now, and lets ssay if i make changes to the unity scene and save it the will it automatically update it in glitch just like what happens in local server ?

by user 546555823451668481

What did you do to fix it?

It wonā€™t automatically update on glitch when you dont deploy again, no.

Others may or may not see it (it is public on glitch by default and if you dont pay there)

changed to gamma then again linear, then used some skybox vrom asstestore and tried to match the colors that i previously had

by user 546555823451668481

as a commercial user can we change the loading screen? and the needle button that appears at start at right bottom ?


by user 546555823451668481

Did you enter your license key in unity?