How to reset Needle?

Hi !

I would like to “reset” totally my needle on click. I work on a die and retry game.
And I tried to delete the needle html and put it again but I have this error :

Could you help me ?

Original Post on Discord

by user 224464722878005248

You mean you want to restart the application?

Hey @AeistDesmos generally that call is correct. The error doesnt affect this (it’s an error that will be fixed in the next update but all the active scripts receive an onDestroy event and should cleanup their resources)

Reset / restart
All of it x)

by user 224464722878005248

Okay !
Because I have this error AND the canvas doesn’t show up neither :sweat_smile:

by user 224464722878005248

What do you mean it doesnt show up?

you add the same html element in the dom again for restarting?

Yeah I do

needleDiv.innerHTML = “”
needleDiv.innerHTML = “<needle-engine loadstart="loadingStarted" progress="loadingProgress" loadfinished="loadingFinished">”

by user 224464722878005248

… visibility : hidden

by user 224464722878005248

It’s ok so

by user 224464722878005248

The reset works
If the next update fix the error, it’s ok, thanks for your help

by user 224464722878005248