debug flag is debugcam
yea I was poking around in there
by user 300386587278049291
Ah hehe good
I did use debugcam, and I see the Set Skybox output that seems correct
by user 300386587278049291 if you want to look inside the glb you can drop your file here
i use it all the time
but mainly useful for me if you really want to debug the json and data inside^^
or you can add printGltf
to your url, it then logs the gltf being loaded to the console
You’re not also using the editorsync camera are you? Because that will prevent the skybox change definitely
no, i haven’t tried that tool yet
by user 300386587278049291
It’s something the editorSync camera could learn (copy the skybox settings from the otherwise active main camera, currently it doesnt)
just based on my glb’s last modified times, I think its not exporting when I update/change the skybox
by user 300386587278049291
still digging
by user 300386587278049291
needle viewer bugs out when I drop in my external scene generated glb
by user 300386587278049291
not sure if it matters but I upgraded to 2021.3.22f1 this morning
by user 300386587278049291
which glb? can you share it with me?
working now after refresh, weird
by user 300386587278049291
by user 300386587278049291
actually its still bugging out
by user 300386587278049291