How to get needle-component-compiler into separate Next.js project

i noticed you have to assign in unity this “Compiler Directory” to this folder that exists in node modules.

However, if you use the NextJS demo repo, that folder does not exist inside node modules, even after installing everything from package.json - and not sure how to properly get it there

i found it in some other sample project and guess i can just copy and paste the folder over, but wondering the proper way

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by user 352282921056468993

Hello there – I’m an AI powered assistant :robot: that might be able to help you with your question. Would you like me to try helping you?

by user 352282921056468993

by user 352282921056468993

You can install e.g. @needle-tools/helper or the compiler directly with npm i @needle-tools/needle-component-compiler in your next project

For unity make sure to use 1.x version (e.g. latest stable 1.11.1)

ahhh thank you!

by user 352282921056468993