Hi team, I’m trying to access the custom properties of a custom shader but am unsure how to use a script to control the value.
I am referencing the sample shader ‘Wobble’ that you provided and have added an alpha threshold. How can I control the value of ‘_AlphaClip’ via script?
To control the custom shader property _AlphaClip in your script, you can access the material of the object using the material property and set the value for _AlphaClip. Here is how you can do this in your custom script:
import { Behaviour, serializable } from "@needle-tools/engine";
import { Material } from "three";
export class ControlAlphaClip extends Behaviour {
myMaterial?: Material;
private alphaClipValue: number = 0.5; // Default value
update() {
if (this.myMaterial) {
this.myMaterial["_AlphaClip"] = this.alphaClipValue; // Control the value
this.myMaterial.needsUpdate = true; // Ensure the material updates
setAlphaClip(value: number) {
this.alphaClipValue = value; // Method to set the alpha clip value externally
The myMaterial property is marked with @serializable so that you can assign your material through the editor.
The update method is called each frame and sets the value of _AlphaClip to alphaClipValue.
The method setAlphaClip allows you to change the value of _AlphaClip externally, which can be useful for UI controls or other interactions.
Make sure to attach this script to the relevant GameObject and assign the material you are modifying.
Refer to the sample shader documentation for further details on setting custom properties (see the documentation). If you have any further questions or need clarification, feel free to ask!
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