Any example of updating Shadergraph shader's parameter through script?

something like this? getComponentInChildren(Renderer)?.sharedMaterial.setValues("_FadeAmount",1);

Original Post on Discord

by user 263967078346653697

you just set the property in threejs, we expose all of them directly.
Your example: myMaterials._FadeAmount = 1

so id have to have a reference of just that material?

by user 263967078346653697

You can use the sharedMaterials array as well

if you know that all those materials have that property/shader

this.gameObject.getComponentInChildren(Renderer).sharedMaterial._FadeAmount = 1

how can i get “_FadeAmount” to not throw error?

by user 263967078346653697

be recognized as the variable of that material’s shader

by user 263967078346653697

What error do you get

Property ‘_FadeAmount’ does not exist on type ‘Renderer’

by user 263967078346653697

the script doesnt event know which material im using yet

by user 263967078346653697

so it’s natural id get it

by user 263967078346653697

It doesnt exist on the renderer but on the material

woops my bad

by user 263967078346653697

Property ‘_FadeAmount’ does not exist on type ‘Material’

by user 263967078346653697

im trying like so

by user 263967078346653697


by user 263967078346653697

just as a test

by user 263967078346653697

im sorry im clueless on this

by user 263967078346653697

That’s typescript complaining since the base material type you get doesnt have / know your custom properties. So you have 3 options:

  1. chaotic: add @ts-ignore above that line
  2. neutral: access like sharedMaterial["_FadeAmount"]
  3. good: delcare a custom merged type with your properties
declare type MyMaterial = {
    _FadeAmount : number;
} & Material;