How can I reset a room? I mean, return all objects to their place of origin.
by user 801298590676156416
How can I reset a room? I mean, return all objects to their place of origin.
by user 801298590676156416
There’s currently no “easy” / builtin way to delete all state in a networked room. You can send a special message to the backend with the guid and key of the state entry you want to delete. Let me look it up
So you can use this.context.connection.sendDeleteRemoteState(guid:string)
with the guid of the object you want to delete the networked state for that component/object
so you could iterate over all SyncedTransforms and send that message. Would that help? Usually its easier tho to create a new room. What’s your usecase?
I’m looking into adding a message for deleting all state
Next version will have a easy call for this
(you need to make sure you’ll update the networking package to 1.1.0-pre
on glitch for it to work
If you do that now (update the glitch package) you can also just do this.context.connection.send("delete-all-state")
in one of your scripts and the state should be emptied when you refresh
That being said: in case you didnt refer to the networked state but just the positioning of the objects in the room: you can iterate all SyncedTransform
components in a script in awake, store their matrices and wait for the networking event RoomEvents.JoinedRoom
(you do that by this.context.connection.beginListen(RoomEvent.JoinedRoom, _ => { ... })
) and then reset all their matrices to the previous values
Hi, thanks for your response.
For an educational activity I am going to have 3 sessions of 40 groups in each one. It would be better for me to have a reset button in each room than to create rooms every time.
Sadly my programming skills are not good enough yet, so I will have to create the rooms.
Thank you very much for your answer.
by user 801298590676156416