Hand Tracking - Pointer

and it’s still not possible to deactivate the pointer ray… :sweat: i guess it’s simply not possible to do that…

by user 474974683163394049

Ah damn sorry its setting it visible in update. Hacky workaround: save the reference to the objects and disable them in lateUpdate :sweat:

I’ll expose it


ahhh, i was looking at the wrong place for that… lol… :smile:

by user 474974683163394049

i’m so used to “not being able to access the source” that I totally forgot to check that :sweat_smile:

by user 474974683163394049

:slightly_smiling_face: btw it’s also super helpful to set breakpoints (same as with c#) and step through the code up and down sometimes (at least that’s what I do a lot when learning about my own or other people’s code or debugging it)

You can even force the debugger to break in browser using the debugger statement (like Debug.Break() in Unity)

learned smth new again today :slightly_smiling_face: thank you so much for your help+time!!!

by user 474974683163394049

issue solved, awesome :smile:

by user 474974683163394049


by user 474974683163394049

no rays visible anymore :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 474974683163394049

I was also happy when I discovered how to set breakpoint conditions in chrome ^^ (sorry I love my debugging tools haha)


I guess the raycast pointer issue is not completly solved, sry for reactivating this post :sweat_smile: would a solution like this be good for you?

by user 474974683163394049

just to manage the raycast visibility for myself ^^

by user 474974683163394049

Ah sorry looks like I missed a spot (the line below your upper circle)

like that - the ray rotation is still used in other parts so we should still calculate that

nice thx :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 474974683163394049