Hand Tracking - Pointer

happens :smile:

i mean binding :smile:

hmmm… but the controllers are still undefined :sweat_smile:

by user 474974683163394049

is the XRStarted event too early for getting the controllers?

by user 474974683163394049

Undefined is a sign that something else is still wrong

the array should never be undefined

maybe this.webXR is null/undefined?

by user 474974683163394049

nope, thats actually the correct value

by user 474974683163394049

can you log with this.console.log("webXR", this.webXR) ?

sure :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 474974683163394049

You’re missing @serializeable(WebXR) over your webxr field in typescript

The { guid: ... } is the raw value (not resolved to the component instance)

Ahhh, wow Oo

by user 474974683163394049

My Unity C# is interfering too hard :sweat_smile:

by user 474974683163394049

What version are you using? You didnt get a warning for that?

haha the C# knowledge? :smile:

2.44.2-pre exporter & 2.42.0-pre runtime

by user 474974683163394049

When you reload the site without the @serializeable() it should detect that and show a warning in the browser - but it didnt? in the top right corner

nope unfortunately no warning

by user 474974683163394049