Constrain drag script

you know I amm not coder, soo… , yes I know, in browser its still moving in X, Z

by user 869976161550217286

Ah sorry i misunderstood you. You want it to only move on Y and I sent you a script that will move X and Z and NOT on Y

import { Behaviour } from "@needle-tools/engine";

export class ConstraintYPosition extends Behaviour {

    private _x: number = 0;
    private _z: number = 0;

    awake(): void {
        this._x = this.gameObject.position.x;
        this._z = this.gameObject.position.z;

    onBeforeRender(): void {
        this.gameObject.position.x = this._x;
        this.gameObject.position.z = this._z;

^ try this

:), ahhh yes this is with this script, thats why it doesnt move in Y :

by user 869976161550217286

by user 869976161550217286

@marcel :cactus: great it works! but only when I am close to the ground, then Y axes is activated… its related to cameraa position, same as drag controls… I will solve it by Buttons… anyway thank you for you support

by user 869976161550217286

Yeah DragControls behaves like that right now. We want to make the configureable in a coming version!

Buttons should get you there (you can also make it so that you click on the roof if you want that - just put the unity Button component on the Roof object)

I have still limit Y position dont go under its min position, only up and then go back in its initial state

by user 869976161550217286

yes someting like your hotsposts example?

by user 869976161550217286

like your hotspost example

by user 869976161550217286

but I need to learn how to animaate it :slightly_smiling_face:

by user 869976161550217286

you know I am new to to JS scripting and now I have to typescript

by user 869976161550217286

ohhh thats challenge, nevermind

by user 869976161550217286

You can do the animation + the button stuff without writing any extra code. Like you would in Unity with the Animator + AnimatorController + a Button component to call “setTrigger” on the animator to make a transition to another animation state where the roof is up in the air

OK, and this will works after build with needle

by user 869976161550217286


So its native unity workflow

by user 869976161550217286


by user 869976161550217286

Yes that works. Timeline as well :slightly_smiling_face: