Can we get more Needle Unity prefab templates please?
I like the default one but the ability to have more scenes ad stuff to work with would accelerate developments.
by user 286715626167205898
Can we get more Needle Unity prefab templates please?
I like the default one but the ability to have more scenes ad stuff to work with would accelerate developments.
by user 286715626167205898
Hi, are you referring to Scene templates when you create a new Units scene
or a web project template that you select in the ExportInfo?
Also, have you seen our samples? Needle Engine Samples
If you have specific requests / ideas we’re all ears
@AntDX316 could you provide us with more info about your request?
One of the next versions will also add support for getting templates from a local or remote repository as well (and you can add your own too)
yeah, it’s very good so editing from that is how to do it. Can I just combine different needle samples into the same project and it would work?
by user 286715626167205898
The one with the cactus desert scene is good. All the Needle stuff is good because it’s super easy to multiplay across all platforms. I just haven’t tried combining the samples into one scene yet but Needle has a lot of promise. It would be cool if more people supported and developed for it. It’s already good of course but if it can be easier and easier with the help of AI that you guys can implement somehow it would be awesome.
by user 286715626167205898
Maybe if it would be possible to have a UI toolkit to work with, with drop-down menus, nodes to connect for function, it could be the best toolkit to use?
by user 286715626167205898
Thanks for the nice words!
Yes, you should be able to combine samples and that works. Some of the samples use NpmDefs (additional code besides the core components we already ship with) which you can reference too.
Can you clarify about the UI questions?
Do you mean: a node-based interface to create components?
Or do you mean: a built-in UI system with connectable events? The latter already exists