Blender Export Issue

Morning all :wave::slightly_smiling_face:

Hope you can help with a problem I’m experiencing with the latest version of the Blender addon.

Previews and builds only output a grey screen, plus there’s what feels like an anomalous automatic generation of content in the Blender Outliner whenever any kind of preview, export or save is performed. I’ve created a quick, very low-res gif to demo what I’m seeing at this end.


I tried to send a Bug Report via Blender but unfortunately despite adding my email, the description and saving the file as prompted, the submit button remains inactive.

I can post the relevant log file here if that helps? Just shout :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m running:-
Blender 4.2.1
Addon 0.51.2, NE 3.47.6, Node v20.10.0
Mac OS Ventura 13.6.9

Hi @frannie3754

could you try to reproduce the error and send me the log file in a PM (You find the logs in Blender via the menu item “Help/Needle/…”)

Thank you

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Hi Marcel… thanks for looking into this, as ever your time and expertise is hugely appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face: Have contacted you re: log send.

Cheeeeeeeeeers for the new update (0.51.3)! That’s all working perfectly, now :partying_face: :sunglasses: :sparkles:

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