Needle for Blender doesn't print errors that are preventing a build

I am finding in Blender 4.2 and 4.3 so far if I sometimes add a new primitive with a Needle component on it, suddenly the preview exports stop working and I get logs like this that tell me there are 10 errors but I can’t see what they are and I can’t full export to try clearing the cache. Is there anything obvious I am missing here? Usually I get to an error then suddenly the .blend file is unusable and I have to roll back to an older backup as undoing my changes doesn’t fix the hidden errors.

2024-12-02 10:50:39: EXPORT REPORT FOR 1 scenes to "C:/Git_General/Needle_Blender/blender samples/USDZProj/assets"  (at printReport)
2024-12-02 10:50:39: !!! 10 errors occured during export  (at printReport)
2024-12-02 10:50:39: Blender version: (4, 3, 0), Needle Engine Addon: 0.52.0  (at printReport)
2024-12-02 10:50:39: Auto compress is disabled  (at runAutoCompress)

Hi robyer1,

Here are a few steps you can try to diagnose and possibly fix the hidden errors during export with Needle Engine for Blender:

  1. Check Logs for Errors:

    • You can find logs specific to the Needle Engine Addon via Help/Needle in Blender. This should give you more details on what might be causing the errors during export (see index).
  2. Error Reporting in Blender:

    • The traceback in your export script might be printing errors but not making them visible due to the way it handles error logging. Consider adding more explicit logging in the printReport function to write errors to a separate log file or display them in the console directly (see the documentation).
  3. Addon Version:

    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of the Needle Engine addon for Blender as updates might contain bug fixes that could resolve your issues. You mentioned that you are using version 0.52.0, which should be relatively recent. However, it’s always good to check for any incremental updates (see releases).
  4. Undo Not Resolving Issues:

    • If undoing changes doesn’t resolve errors, it might be due to the changes being irreversible within the session after an issue occurs. Try saving a copy of your project before making significant changes, especially when testing new components (see index).
  5. Contact Support:

    • If the issue persists, you can report it using the integrated bug reporter in Blender. In some scenarios, contacting the support team with specific logs might help identify if there’s a known bug causing this (see index).

For more specific diagnostics, you might want to provide detailed logs from the Blender session when these errors occur, or even share the project for debugging. Joining the Needle Engine Discord community can also provide more direct support from the team and community.

If there are specific components or settings you are consistently using when the errors occur, providing those details could also help narrow down the problem. Let me know if you need further assistance!

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What’s interesting is that development and production build exports still work so this is an error with the preview server only in Blender 4.2.x and 4.3.0

Hi @robyer1 did you check the whole log file? The 10 errors have been logged during export and are probably further at the top of the file

I searched the whole log file and no mention of the word error, only 6 warnings about animation tracks which have always been there. Development and Production builds export fine. Anything else I should check? It seems like the errors aren’t logged.

Could you report a bug with this blend file using the bug report panel (next to the Needle Engine panel)

Just uploaded it

I think it could be linked to this error somehow as after doing the same steps here I can use the project again for a while until node or npm messes up the node_modules folder again

Still experiencing this error - did my bug report scene help to find any issues?

This is the main error I get when trying to start the server -

npm error code EBUSY
npm error syscall rename
npm error path C:\Git_General\Needle_Blender\blender samples\USDZProj\node_modules\@needle-tools\helper
npm error dest C:\Git_General\Needle_Blender\blender samples\USDZProj\node_modules\@needle-tools\.helper-SRr2S37w
npm error errno -4082
npm error EBUSY: resource busy or locked, rename 'C:\Git_General\Needle_Blender\blender samples\USDZProj\node_modules\@needle-tools\helper' -> 'C:\Git_General\Needle_Blender\blender samples\USDZProj\node_modules\@needle-tools\.helper-SRr2S37w'
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\Robert.Farthing\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_logs\2024-12-10T10_31_53_482Z-debug-0.log

[process exited with code 4294963214 (0xfffff00e)]
You can now close this terminal with Ctrl+D, or press Enter to restart.

This doesn’t happen on a personal laptop so I am contacting our IT department to see if our managed antivirus is hanging up the folder or locking it.

Duplicate of this mentioned here Blender - Development Server tails to start due to helper being 'EBUSY: resource busy or locked' - #8 by Rob_F